August 26, 2011

Meet the TEACHER!!

Here I am with a 5 lb box of York Peppermint Patties and a shirt to show just how much I LOVE these little treats!!  I thought this would be a GREAT way to introduce myself, in my classroom with my favorite treat.

I'm so excited for the new year to start and look forward to working with all of you this year.  It's going to be a fun filled year with LOTS of learning.  It's amazing to see the  growth from the beginning of the year to the end.  I'm always blown away with how much these little kiddos grow socially, emotionally, and academically.

My classroom is bright, cheery, and inviting!  My goal is to make learning fun and engaging.  I want my room to look like the kids LIVE in it so you'll always find work and art on the walls.  I have also created small work areas for kids to go to when they want a change from their desks or during Daily 5 time. We'll be creating a strong community within our room with set expectations.

As for my teaching style, I like to consider myself relaxed, patient, and determined.  I have high expectations that ALL my students can learn and be successful.  I strive for my students to work to the best of their abilities and celebrate their accomplishments.  I want kids to know that it's okay to make mistakes because no one is perfect.  They'll quickly learn that EVEN their teacher makes mistakes.  They just need to give me 100% and work hard when they come to school.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and I'll see you soon!!

August 24, 2011

Scaredy Squirrel Mascot

Check out Erica Bohrer's Blog to see her ideas for classroom mascots.  Scaredy Squirrel is going to be our classroom mascot this year and I plan on using the FREE packet she has made.  THANKS!!  I had to make a bag to go along with Scaredy Squirrel and his travel log.  I'm debating on if I want to paint him or just leave him the color of the bag.  Here's a pic!

Now...I need to find a Scaredy Squirrel stuffed animal.

August 3, 2011

Who Doesn't LOVE the Christmas Tree Shop?

Now, can you say I was SUPER excited when the Christmas Tree Shop finally opened up near me!!  This store has a little bit of everything at reasonable prices. 

I've been looking for a small kid's table for my room ALL summer.  Every table I found was for tots so when I found this little table I HAD to have it.  How can you beat $40 for a small table and two chairs?

Of course I did a bit of my own artsy work on it.  The chairs before were a navy blue and a bright red.  I sanded them down and painted them to match my room.  I also added the polka-dots to the table.  This will be used during Daily 5 time and I just might buy another one for writing during Daily 5.  I like giving my kids options on moving around the room to work.

Here are the pics!