April 24, 2013

Finally...a Teacher Toolbox!! I'm Pretty Excited.

SooOooo, I've been wanting to get rid of my teacher desk for quite some time.  If I'm ever sitting, I sit at my jellybean table.

Since I never sat at my desk and its only use was to pile papers on top of it, it NEEDED to go!!  Over break, I decided to finally get myself EVEN more organized and I bought a toolbox at Lowe's.

I used the labels from Ladybug's Teacher Files.  I came in over vacation and plugged that hot glue gun in and began gluing away.

I'm so happy with how it came out and it has worked great. I don't miss my desk at all!!

Animal Research Reports

This week kiddos picked an animal they're interested in researching.  They've check out books and have online information.

Yesterday, they illustrated their title page.  Look how amazing they look!!

Today, they'll learn how to take notes and begin researching their animal's characteristics.

I added the planner and report to my TpT Store if you're interested in checking it out (Planner and Animal Report)!

O-VIP-A-ROUS Animals

This week we learned a NEW science word.  Can you say it...?  O-VIP-A-ROUS.  An oviparous animal is an animal that lays eggs.  After reading, Chickens Aren't the Only Ones, we created a poster.  We filled an egg with as many animals as we could.

Next up, chicks and dinos!!

We're still waiting on the arrival of our chick eggs.

April 10, 2013

Compound Words

I've slowly introduced compound words and have pointed them out when reading or completing word work.

Today, we did a quick mini lesson with them, which will be added to word work.

The kids helped to brainstorm a list of compound words they knew.  Then they completed small flip books.  Here are a few examples.

Hey, Little Ant

If you haven't checked out Cara's Hey, Little Ant writing activity at The First Grade Parade you need to check it out!

I tried it out with my class and they LOVED it.  My kiddos have done an excellent job of stating their opinions and giving reasons why.

After the read aloud we discussed what the boy should do.  I LOVE that this book ends with a question.  We listed reasons why the ant should and shouldn't be squished.

Here are few examples.  Of course I couldn't just stop at the writing.  I had to take some adorable pics.  Since I couldn't get my hands on a pair of HUGE glasses I made them on the spot.

Here are some examples!!

April 7, 2013

We went on a Noun Hunt last week around our school.  The kids looked so "official" with their clipboards, papers, and pencils.  As we walked around, kiddos listed the nouns they saw.

On Friday we made Noun Town!  We brainstormed what we'd want to included in our town.  This year we had Justin Bieber, Superman, and Batman to name a few.

They had A LOT of fun completing this and were amazed at how it all came together!!

The Moon's Environment

Our focus has been looking at the moon's environment.  The moon is made up of rock, sand, and dust.  The kiddos looked at some close up pictures of the moon's surface and craters.

We learned the craters were formed when rocks hit the moon.   Students conducted an experiment where they had to create craters on the moon.

I filled a pie pan with sand, flour, and topped it off with coco powder.  This represented the moon's surface.

Each student was given a marble (which represented a rock).  The kids worked in groups making as many craters as they could.  They began by sitting on the floor but were soon standing and dropping their rocks onto the moon.

Here are few pics!

I also uploaded a couple of Outer Space Math Activities to my TpT Store!