November 10, 2018

November Morning Tubs

I've introduced our new morning tubs and the kids are LOVING them.  I put them out each Friday for the kids to use in the morning and they've gone really well.  This is a great way to get students talking, designing, and building.

The tubs for this month are: Turkey Tower Building, Hide a Turkey, Design and Build the Mayflower, and Build a Log Cabin.

Here are some pics of them at work!

November 4, 2018

PTC Artwork

Each year teachers are asked to complete artwork with their students.  These pieces are auctioned off to help raise money for our school.

Each year I feel the pressure to outdo what I did last year!  I've been thinking for awhile of what I want to do with my class and finally came up with the idea of each student decorating a mug.  I tried to stick with some first grade themes.  I took the time to work with each student, holding the mug steady while they did the artwork.

Here's their work!!

As soon as the link is up and running I'll be sure to share it with you so you can bid away!!