January 14, 2012

ArrrRrrrr...Where's The Booty!

Ahoy, Matey!  As I've said the kids have been right into pirates.  It actually worked out quite well because we're also working on map skills.

Friday was the day of the BIG treasure hunt.  Clues had been left in my room all week and the kiddos had been looking for pirates.  Coins, gold, necklaces, and maps were found in my room.

The kids learned about the compass rose and how it's useful.  The kids had to follow the directions on the map to find their treasure.

Seems I have a similar picture of our assistant principal sleeping at school!! :o) 


  1. This is an adorable activity! I have a beach themed room with a pirate ship and I think we will have to do this :) Your students must have LOVED it! Thanks for sharing a great idea :) Have a happy rest of your weekend :)

    Lisa :)
    Made In The Shade In Second Grade

    1. Thank you so much! I was able to incorporate pirate glyphs for math, interactive writing, and map skills. Doesn't get much better then that!!
