Now my mind is getting back into the grove. The fliers for school supplies have begun arriving in the mail and I can picture myself behind those kids in the Staple's commercials. Haha. It's always hard to get back into the grove of things. I mean, I've been sleeping in until 6 most days now!
I thought I'd share a couple of finds at Walmart. Yes, I've begun supply shopping. The first find my coworker told me about. This Picture Story Chart Paper will work perfectly during Writer's Workshop. It's set up just like their journals. I plan on laminating the sheets and reusing them when I model writing. No more large chart paper!!
I plan on using these during Math Workshop. I want to do a better job this year of having kids write out their explanations on how they solve problems. They'll be added to their Math ToolKit where their other supplies are stored.
Have you found any great finds?