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November 16, 2016

Turkey Writing

We've been consumed (not the eating part yet) with turkey work!!

This week I introduced our narrative story planner by having my class make a class book.  I have it as a FREEBIE at my TpT Store (Narrative Story Planner).  After reading Run, Turkey, Run! we began to plan our own run away turkey story.

Image result for run, turkey run

So, sit back and relax!  Here's our story called, Scaredy Squirrel and the Runaway Turkey.  How creative it was for a student to suggest adding Scaredy Squirrel, one of our FAVORITE characters!!

We also did some informational writing on How to Cook a Turkey.  Students also made a turkey by coloring a coffee filter and dipping it into water.  Once dry they added the face and legs.  

They look cute hanging up in the hall.

Writing Throughout the Week

We read a variety of legends last week.  Some were,

How Chipmunk Got His Stripes
Raccoon's Last Race
Thanks to the Animals

Then students wrote their opinion on which one was their favorite.

We also worked more with narrative writing.  After reading, Owen, we brainstormed a list of special items we had.  Students then wrote about one. 

Here's the example I shared.

November 13, 2016

Newsletter for the Week of Nov. 14th

Dog vs. Cat

What would YOU pick if you had the choice?  I'm a dog person all the way!  Students had to make that decision after listening to Dog vs. Cat.

They wrote their opinion on which pet they'd like to have and why.

Next up, we're moving on to narrative writing.  We'll be creating a turkey story this week!

November 7, 2016

Who Done It?

I shared this book with my class last week and it has quickly become a favorite!  While browsing on Amazon I came across it and knew it would be PERFECT for inferencing.

I've never seen this book before but the simple concept and illustrations grabbed my attention.

By looking at the illustrations students were to infer who done it.  Here are a couple of pages from the book.

After reading it we created our own Who Done it? class book.  Here are our examples!

This activity worked great with my class and they had a lot of fun creating their own page.

I just found this book on Amazon and it will most likely be added to my cart!

November 6, 2016

Bats and Owls

We finished up learning about bats and owls by creating a venn diagram.  Students created a bat and owl to add to our bulletin board outside our room!

The Beginnings of Narrative Writing

Students have been introduced to narrative writing.  They learned it can be a real or made up story. Last week after reading Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge we talked about different types of memories and how they make us feel.

Together we brainstormed a list of happy, sad, funny, and love memories.  I modeled memories I had for each category and they quickly helped to fill in the board.  

After we brainstormed, they made a Heart Map.  From this map they'll take an idea they want to write about to create a narrative.

Check back later this week to see some of the stories they've written.

Newsletter for the Week of Nov. 7th

November 4, 2016


Today we took a break to create some art for our upcoming PTC Auction.

I decided to go with an animal ABC chart with thumbprints.  I originally had a black background for each block but a teammate suggested changing it to brown so they look like building blocks.

Brilliant, I tell you!!  I love how it came out.  We're working on one more piece so I'll post a pic when completed.

November 3, 2016

Gymnastics at the YMCA

We spent the afternoon at the YMCA doing gymnastics.  The kids had a blast!

Enjoy the pictures.