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January 21, 2019

Newsletter for the Week of Jan. 22nd

WinterKids Challenge-Nutrition

Last week our focus was healthy eating.  We tried some foods-blackberries, asian pears, mangoes, papayas, radishes, and golden berries.

One of our K teachers had some extra frozen fruit so we made some fruit popsicles.  We went to her room on Friday to eat and play.  Thanks so much Mrs. Rhoads for sharing with us!!

Here they are enjoying their popsicles. YUM!!

Russ Cox Visits Our School

Russ Cox came to visit our school last week.  He talked to us about his love for illustrating as a child, showed us some of his sketches, books he's written/illustrated, and took the time to draw with us.

Here are a few pics.

January 13, 2019

Newsletter for the Week of Jan. 14th

Jan. Morning Tubs

I finished up creating our new Morning Tubs.  They have been asking for them and have really enjoyed designing and building.

This month the tubs include: Design a Shovel that can Hold the Most Snowballs, Design a Snowflake, Build an Igloo, and Build a Snowman.