Let's just begin by saying that I've always been pretty darn organized with all my white binders labeled by subject, papers in place, books in order, and book bins labeled. This year, since moving to first I feel like I'm all over the place. Papers in random piles, books out of place, and supplies stored in random spots. This is the worse nightmare for any teacher who likes things in place!! I'm slowly working on weeding through items that I don't need for first grade so they can be put into storage.
1. I have found some items to be EXTREMELY helpful in first grade. I'm beginning to place everything in binders based on themes so they'll be easy to get to next year. File folders drive me CRAZY!!

2. I also bought this storage cart at Target that I absolutely love. It was a bit expensive but it has worked so well for my Guided Reading Groups. In the small bins, I place magic tape, markers, and other reading supplies that I can grab quickly. In the larger bins, I labeled each one with a reading group. I keep all of my materials for each group here-reading group lesson plans, folders, books, and wipe off boards. On the top, I keep my container of alphabet letters and a binder with running record sheets, reading plan sheets, reading strategy bookmarks, and possible word work lessons.

3. I also bought a storage shelf at Target that holds bins. Each one holds different materials for Daily 5 (word work, writing, math, etc). I can easily grab what I need and put it back in it's place. On the top of this I have 2 laptops that kids can also use during Daily 5. They have the option of going to Raz-Kids or Lexia. What I love is that it's useful for storage and takes up very little space.
4. Storage bins-who can't get enough of those? The clear ones are perfect because you can quickly see what you need. I store all of my holiday items and math manipulatives in labeled bins. I also bought small bins from the Dollar Store that hold all of our class library books. Each bin is labeled with a favorite author or theme.
5. I also made a daily schedule for the kids that's laminated and has magnets on the back. I change it as our schedule changes. This makes it so easy for the kids because each morning they can look at the board and see what our plans are for the day.