Before the day was over we had one chick that was beginning to peck through the egg. Hopefully when I arrive tomorrow we'll have one more chick in the incubator.

May 20, 2014
Our Chick Announcement
Two chicks have hatched and the kids are beyond excited. Here are some pics!!
May 11, 2014
Big Old Bones: A Dinosaur Tale
Have you checked this book out? A first grade teacher showed me this book a few years ago and the activity she completes with it. My students LOVE it every year.
After we learn what a paleontologist is, the tools they use, and how they do their job I read this book. I hide bones (paper pieces) around the room and have them go on a fossil hunt.
Once they've all been found each student decorates a piece, just like the fabric in the book.
Working as a team, they have to fit the bones back together to create the dino. This week they made T-Rex.
Next week, they'll try to put Triceratops together.
World of Work Day
This is the second year World of Work Day has been held at our school. Students have the opportunity to learn about different careers. Our morning was packed full, checking out a variety of occupations.
We learned more about Food Corps and how plants grow. Students made a necklace that had a seed inside a clear plastic bag so they could watch it sprout.
We had a quick snack break before moving on to our next activity. I let my kiddos play on the BIG kid's playground a few times a year so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for them to get some wiggles out.
Of course when I called for them to line up, one said he was stuck at the top of the climbing wall. My principal, was quite funny running to the equipment saying she'd save him. He was grinning the entire time and he did make it down safely.
Then we learned about health occupations. The ladies who presented had puppets and got the kids involved. They shared a story of a girl falling out of a tree and went through the steps she would have to go through if she broke her leg.
Finally, we learned what an entomologist does!! He showed us nets he uses to catch bugs. He even brought in some REAL bugs from the jungle!!
We learned more about Food Corps and how plants grow. Students made a necklace that had a seed inside a clear plastic bag so they could watch it sprout.
We had a quick snack break before moving on to our next activity. I let my kiddos play on the BIG kid's playground a few times a year so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for them to get some wiggles out.
Of course when I called for them to line up, one said he was stuck at the top of the climbing wall. My principal, was quite funny running to the equipment saying she'd save him. He was grinning the entire time and he did make it down safely.
Next up, we saw a helicopter and they were able to get inside to check it out. He showed the kids the bucket they use when fighting fires and showed them the controls. It was quite cool hearing it land at our school.
Finally, we learned what an entomologist does!! He showed us nets he uses to catch bugs. He even brought in some REAL bugs from the jungle!!
The butterflies and beetles he had displayed were over 100 years old!!
This was a GREAT opportunity of students and has sparked their interests in careers they maybe have never thought about.
May 7, 2014
Lovin' My New Chevron Rug
So, I 've been wanting to get rid of my foam mat for some time but rugs are SO expensive!!
I found this LOVELY gem at Target. I really did take some time to decide on whether I needed it or not. Of course, I DID. I'm in love with chevron ANYTHING.
It's an indoor/outdoor rug and I felt it was fairly priced compared to how expensive they can be.
Students noticed it first thing this morning and they all fit on it perfectly! It was meant to be.
I found this LOVELY gem at Target. I really did take some time to decide on whether I needed it or not. Of course, I DID. I'm in love with chevron ANYTHING.
It's an indoor/outdoor rug and I felt it was fairly priced compared to how expensive they can be.
Students noticed it first thing this morning and they all fit on it perfectly! It was meant to be.
May 6, 2014
Let It Go
At times, while we work, I play music quietly. Frozen continues to be a BIG deal in my room and every time I turn the music on (I use Pandora) Let It Go always seems to play.
I absolutely LOVE how my room is so quiet in the beginning but as this song continues to play voices begin singing. Eventually everyone in the room is letting it go!
This seems to be such a fitting song with the end of the year quickly approaching and still having lots to do.
Can You See it?
Look closely...can you see the dark spot? Today we candled our chick eggs to see if we had any babies growing inside.
We set each egg on a light and looked for the large, dark spot. That's the eye!! Out of our 12 eggs, we only spotted 3.
We set each egg on a light and looked for the large, dark spot. That's the eye!! Out of our 12 eggs, we only spotted 3.
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