So I'm quite giddy tonight. I came home to find out my husband had bought me a NEW Mac Pro. My school laptop had to be sent away to be fixed and lets just say I've been quite cranky lately because I haven't been able to create!!
I think he wants me to get back to work!!
SooOoooo...if you have time, sit back and see what we've been up to the last two weeks. This post will have LOTS of pics!!
We learned a lot about penguins.
Penguins Can, Have, Are |
Penguin Facts and Number Stories
We've also been learning about Matter. Our focus has been solids and liquids. The kids sorted different types of beans and even built towers with everyday materials.
We've completed some winter writing. We wrote what we'd do if we were stuck in a snowglobe and students wrote steps on "How to Build a Snowman." I used Ivory Flakes and the kids helped me measure the ingredients so they could create their own snowmen.
I consider myself to be quite crafty...but not in the sewing department. I was looking for a way to cover my windows and here's what I came up with. My grandmother gave me a quick lesson (which was quite comical) on how to do a straight stitch. I used tension roads and have a ribbon attached to the larger window fabric so I can roll it up. I think they came out cute and I LOVE the fabric!
We also celebrated the 100th day of school!! Wow, the excitement over the number 100. The kids went to each first grade class and completed activities. They exercised, stamped, made Cheerio necklaces, put together 100 piece puzzles, and made their portraits of what they'd look like at 100.
The kids completed Eskimo Math. They predicted, tallied, and recorded how many bites it would take to eat a Klondike. YUM!! Students also had to describe what it looked like and how it tasted. Let's just say, they ENJOYED this activity.
And last but not least...I introduced Brown Bag Book Club last week. This is when kids get together with a buddy and share a GREAT book they've read during the week. They fill out a quick worksheet, share their books, and eat a snack provided by me (that's why they have the brown bag).
I hope you haven't fallen asleep yet but I had so much to share!