I put up our Love Bug Heart. During Daily 5 the kids will be able to write a Love Bug note to someone in the room. Check back and you'll be able to see if we filled our heart!!

January 30, 2012
Random Writing
Today the kids completed a quick write to get their brains ready for writing (since we had a 3 day weekend with the snow day). They had 3 minutes to write as many words as they could that began with J. Here's an example.
Word Work
Here are few activities we'll be completing this week.
We've worked with adjectives for a couple of weeks now so the kiddos will have independent practice during Daily 5 time. They'll add their Post-Its to the chart while reading to self or with a buddy. I'm sure they'll find many adjectives in their books.
We've worked with adjectives for a couple of weeks now so the kiddos will have independent practice during Daily 5 time. They'll add their Post-Its to the chart while reading to self or with a buddy. I'm sure they'll find many adjectives in their books.
Today I introduced compound words. They work on their wipe off boards and I added their words to the chart. During Daily 5, they'll have the opportunity to make these flip open books. Here are a couple that were completed today.
January 26, 2012
Would you Look Like this in a Snow Globe?
Today we had art so our Writer's Workshop was not as long. We brainstormed what we would do if we lived in a snow globe.
Here's how I'd look!! Of course the kids laughed at my art and said I looked FUNNY! My response...how would you look if you were squished into a snow globe?
If I lived in a snow globe I would feel REALLY squished! How would I be able to do anything?
The kids had GREAT ideas! I had them draw with pencil and crayon and then they used watercolor to brush over with some blue. Here are some examples!
Here's how I'd look!! Of course the kids laughed at my art and said I looked FUNNY! My response...how would you look if you were squished into a snow globe?
If I lived in a snow globe I would feel REALLY squished! How would I be able to do anything?
The kids had GREAT ideas! I had them draw with pencil and crayon and then they used watercolor to brush over with some blue. Here are some examples!
I had one boy brave enough (Xander) to write he'd throw snowballs at me!! Haha, I was laughing out loud.
January 25, 2012
Finished Snowmen and Writing
Here are some of the finished snowmen!! SOooOOOOOO CUTE!
This is the writing they completed today. Today's mini lesson was good writers write directions. I also introduced transitions and how they help to move a reader through a story.
We brainstormed how to build a snowman and made a list of transitions. Then they wrote. Here's an example.
Random cute photo of the day...Jack and James came up to check in on their math boxes. Both of them had their pencil behind their ear. Such hard-working boys!!
This is the writing they completed today. Today's mini lesson was good writers write directions. I also introduced transitions and how they help to move a reader through a story.
We brainstormed how to build a snowman and made a list of transitions. Then they wrote. Here's an example.
Random cute photo of the day...Jack and James came up to check in on their math boxes. Both of them had their pencil behind their ear. Such hard-working boys!!
January 24, 2012
How to Build a Snowman
Even with the lack of snow we're continuing with winter writing this week. Today we worked on a little craft I saw online. I've never tried this before but thought this would be so much fun. Who wouldn't love something new that could go instantly wrong, something messy, and crafty?
Have you ever seen this at the store?
With a bit of water you can make some REALLY adorable snowmen!!
Today they worked in groups adding water and stirring, stirring, stirring. Once they had a doughy consistency they began building their snowmen. We used a toothpick to hold together each part of the snowman. We added buttons and used a toothpick for the nose. I told them they had to dry overnight before adding the finishing touches. Tomorrow they'll add a mouth, scarf, hat, or earmuffs.
Here's a quick peek of how they look so far!!
We'll also be working on a writing piece. Tomorrow's lesson will be good writers write directions. The kiddos will be writing the steps on how to make a snowman.
In my mind I did this backwards. I would've done the writing first and then the craft. I have a reading workshop tomorrow and didn't want to leave the sub with the craft. Plus I kinda wanted to do it too!! So we made the craft today and they'll write tomorrow. I think this will actually be the best way in the end. The kiddos will be able to think back to how they made each part, which will help with their writing.
Look tomorrow for the finished snowmen and writing pieces. I can't wait to put these outside my room!!
Have you ever seen this at the store?
With a bit of water you can make some REALLY adorable snowmen!!
Today they worked in groups adding water and stirring, stirring, stirring. Once they had a doughy consistency they began building their snowmen. We used a toothpick to hold together each part of the snowman. We added buttons and used a toothpick for the nose. I told them they had to dry overnight before adding the finishing touches. Tomorrow they'll add a mouth, scarf, hat, or earmuffs.
Here's a quick peek of how they look so far!!
We'll also be working on a writing piece. Tomorrow's lesson will be good writers write directions. The kiddos will be writing the steps on how to make a snowman.
In my mind I did this backwards. I would've done the writing first and then the craft. I have a reading workshop tomorrow and didn't want to leave the sub with the craft. Plus I kinda wanted to do it too!! So we made the craft today and they'll write tomorrow. I think this will actually be the best way in the end. The kiddos will be able to think back to how they made each part, which will help with their writing.
Look tomorrow for the finished snowmen and writing pieces. I can't wait to put these outside my room!!
January 20, 2012
Penguin Number Stories
Today we made Penguin Number Stories for math. They came out quite well. I would've posted more pics but my poor camera has been on overload and the batteries died!!
January 19, 2012
More Penguins!!
We've been learning so much about penguins. We talked about our schema and added Post-Its to our penguin. The kids then discussed new facts they learned.
Today we completed Penguins Can, Have, Are. Here's the worksheet I used if you'd like a copy.
Penguins Can, Have, Are
Today we completed Penguins Can, Have, Are. Here's the worksheet I used if you'd like a copy.
Penguins Can, Have, Are
The kids made their own penguins too. I showed them two examples and told them to go at it! I like when they take off and create their own artwork without much direction from me. It's so nice to see their unique creations. After they made their penguins they had to write 3 facts on snowballs.
Here's a copy of the snowballs I had them write on.
Here they are! Of course trying to balance the penguin on his/her head was a highlight.
January 18, 2012
Good Ol' Tacky the Penguin
Today I read Tacky the Penguin and we completed a Tacky the Penguin Character Map. Our focus was working on writing adjectives. Here they are at work!!
I made Tacky on chart paper as they each made their own. I got so caught up in watching them draw and color I began to color his beak black!
After they filled in their adjectives we reviewed good readers ask questions. We talked about what "I wonders" they had after reading the book. Some included
I wonder if the hunters will come back?
I wonder if Tacky will act like the other penguins?
I wonder where his parents are?
I made Tacky on chart paper as they each made their own. I got so caught up in watching them draw and color I began to color his beak black!
After they filled in their adjectives we reviewed good readers ask questions. We talked about what "I wonders" they had after reading the book. Some included
I wonder if the hunters will come back?
I wonder if Tacky will act like the other penguins?
I wonder where his parents are?
January 14, 2012
ArrrRrrrr...Where's The Booty!
Ahoy, Matey! As I've said the kids have been right into pirates. It actually worked out quite well because we're also working on map skills.
Friday was the day of the BIG treasure hunt. Clues had been left in my room all week and the kiddos had been looking for pirates. Coins, gold, necklaces, and maps were found in my room.
The kids learned about the compass rose and how it's useful. The kids had to follow the directions on the map to find their treasure.
Friday was the day of the BIG treasure hunt. Clues had been left in my room all week and the kiddos had been looking for pirates. Coins, gold, necklaces, and maps were found in my room.
The kids learned about the compass rose and how it's useful. The kids had to follow the directions on the map to find their treasure.
Seems I have a similar picture of our assistant principal sleeping at school!! :o) |
Colorful Adjectives
I found this great activity last year from The Inspired Apple and have used it each year. I had each student pick a card from the bag. I had already written the colors on the cards that I wanted to use for the lesson. After it was read the kids used their wipe off boards to predict if it was a red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple crayon.
Each crayon was colored and added to the chart. The kids LOVED hearing the cool names. Who wouldn't want to color with laser lemon, cornflower, inchworm, or jazzberry jam?
We discussed how important adjectives are in our reading and writing. Each student picked one color to use in a sentence. This was difficult for students last year so I knew to MODEL, MODEL, MODEL!!
Here's there work!
Each crayon was colored and added to the chart. The kids LOVED hearing the cool names. Who wouldn't want to color with laser lemon, cornflower, inchworm, or jazzberry jam?
We discussed how important adjectives are in our reading and writing. Each student picked one color to use in a sentence. This was difficult for students last year so I knew to MODEL, MODEL, MODEL!!
Here's there work!
For the rest of the week the kids became OBSESSED with checking every crayon and marker color. When they found one that was the same as our chart they made sure everyone knew it!!
Bears Can, Have, Are
We spent the week learning about bears. After many read alouds the kids helped to fill in the bear cubs in our room. Each one was labeled (can, have, are). While I filled in the bears with their facts the kids completed the worksheet.
January 11, 2012
Awesome Adjectives About Me
Here they are!! We've been learning about adjectives and how to use them. The kids created pictures of themselves. I love the yarn hair and google eyes!! They were each given 5 sticker labels and asked to write 5 adjectives.
They look GREAT!!
January 10, 2012
Would You Look Like This After Eating a Lime?
Oh My...Bears!
The kiddos began learning about bears today. Before we began we talked about schema. They knew a lot about them already (sharp claws, good fishers, they're fat, they hibernate, etc)! They wrote a fact on a Post-It and added it to the bear.
The kids listened to a big book today about bears and we talked about new facts learned. To wrap up they worked in a Black Bear Book.
My kiddos made sure to tell me they thought my bear looked like a pig. Oh...to be a teacher. I explained to them he had to fit in the laminator so his legs had to be short!!
January 6, 2012
After reading pirate stories this week we wrapped it up with completing some work on the Pros and Cons of being a pirate.
We worked FEVERISHLY on our pirate story today. The kids completed the illustrations. Throughout this process I continually heard kids saying how much they loved writing. Or, "This is fun!" This made my day especially since I find writing to be the most difficult subject for kids to enjoy. All the writing and tiring hands! This is so hard for me to believe because I have ALWAYS LOVED writing.
Here they are at work. We'll be sharing our book, The Deadly Pirates, with other first grade classes.
We also completed pirate glyphs this afternoon. I made a pirate ship and they added their pirates. Enjoy the pics.
We worked FEVERISHLY on our pirate story today. The kids completed the illustrations. Throughout this process I continually heard kids saying how much they loved writing. Or, "This is fun!" This made my day especially since I find writing to be the most difficult subject for kids to enjoy. All the writing and tiring hands! This is so hard for me to believe because I have ALWAYS LOVED writing.
Here they are at work. We'll be sharing our book, The Deadly Pirates, with other first grade classes.
Of course I wanted to do an illustration!! |
We also completed pirate glyphs this afternoon. I made a pirate ship and they added their pirates. Enjoy the pics.
Some weren't done and still have to add finishing touches!
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